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Tips & Tricks of the Trade


Bindis are literally a pain to have in your lawn. Their sharp needle like points are the bane of every barefoot in summer time!

Bindii-eyes have small, fern-like leaves that look similar to parsley, which, when seeded, turn to small flowers and dry out creating sharp pointy needles that get stuck in your feet when you walk over them. Bindii patches are easily spread as they can be moved around to different areas on the bottom of your shoes.


Late winter and early spring are the best times to remove them before its seeds start to germinate and spread throughout the lawn.

You’ll need to dig out the patches of bindii by hand, ensuring that all roots have been removed. Otherwise, you can apply a broad-leafed herbicide to kill the bindii without damaging the surrounding grass.

Aerating the soil will also help to reduce bindii numbers, as they favour compacted and compressed ground. Lifting the mower blades so the grass is left longer when mowed will also make it harder for the bindiis to survive, as it will be suffocated by the longer grass. The sooner you get onto fixing and controlling bindii summers, the safer you and your family will be when out and about enjoying your garden!

And, of course, if you want some additional help and advice on removing bindiis or other weeds from your lawn, then the simplest solution is to let Fox Mowing look after it all for you.

And while we’re there in your garden, we can do a lot of other stuff too to get your garden looking and feeling its best.

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